



Magan was in charge of creating the entire decor for the opening ceremony of Fouquet’s Dubai. This included the red carpet outside, providing the pedestals, dressing the stages, stage decorations, curtains, fabrication of the Morris column in the workshop and its dressing, fabrication of the newsstand kiosk in the workshop, dressing the garden with carpentry work, and creating partitions for the control rooms.


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    Pavillon de la Côte d’Ivoire

    Pavillon de la Côte d’Ivoire.

    conception & réalisation

    Pavillon de la Côte d’Ivoire.

    L’amélioration de la scénographie du Pavillon de la côte d’Ivoire est une aventure téméraire qui s’est traduite par un succès considérable, avec une comparaison avant-après spectaculaire.


    230 m²

    Expo Universelle


    Maitre d'ouvrage

    Cabinet du Premier Ministre de Côte d'Ivoire.

    Maitre d'oeuvre

    GL events Middle East

    Très vite la décision a été prise de démonter la scénographie existante trop contraignante et ne correspondant pas à l’image du pays souhaitée, (ne seront conservés que 2 éléments : la tablette de chocolat géante et la robe cousue main) La scénographie est repensée entièrement, non seulement l’organisation de l’espace mais aussi l’expérience de visite, le circuit et les messages à transmettre.

    Le pavillon est divisé en 3 espace, Tradition et Hospitalité, Art et Opportunité, Innovation et Modernité. Chaque espace se traduit par une lumière et un traitement scénographique
    différent et contrasté. Le premier espace est un espace chaleureux d’accueil et d’hospitalité, le second espace est un espace impactant et dynamique, fait de couleur et de lumière, le troisième espace est un espace aux lignes épurées pour mettre l’accent sur les technologies
    du futur et le luxe.

    ESPACE 1 : Espace sensoriel

    Le sol de la salle est de couleur orange-drapeau Cote d’Ivoire.
    Le public déambule autour d’une grande table en bois exotique disposée au milieu de la salle, découpée en forme du plan de la Cote d’Ivoire.

    Un miroir suspendu au-dessus reflète le contour de la table, soulignant sa forme particulière. L’éclairage crée une ombre portée au sol. Au centre de la table des matières premières liées à la production du chocolat sont mises en scène sous des
    coupoles éclairées zénithalement par des spots directifs.
    Les murs de la salle, de couleur marron chocolat, supportent des caissons rétroéclairés avec illustrations du top 10 des matières premières du Pays.

    Une grande photo d’ivoiriens accueille le visiteur traduisant l’hospitalité du pays.

    Enfin la tablette de chocolat existant est mise en valeur dans l’axe d’entrée du visiteur.

    ESPACE 2 : Espace immersif

    Le sol de la salle est de couleur blanc-drapeau Cote d’Ivoire. Autour sont disposés 6 écrans grands formats avec des images de la Côte d’ivoire et de ses qualités créatrices (Gastronomie avec les grands chefs Ivoiriens : Chef Christelle Vougo,
    Chef Grace Emmanuella Houffouet, Chef Nadia Yoboue)
    Sur les quatre côtés de la salle sont reproduite des agrandissements de peintures des artistes contemporains ivoiriens, comme la peinture murale d’Alberic Kouassi sur
    les murs d’Abobo. Au centre de la salle sont disposés des tabourets traditionnels en bois posés sur un tableau contemporain ivoirien imprimé au sol.

    ESPACE 3 : La côte d’Ivoire de demain, luxe et technologie.

    Le sol de la salle est de couleur vert-drapeau cote d’Ivoire. Un grand mur vitrine permet de disposée des objets de luxe et de qualité. 1 grand écran au mur et 6 petites projections sur écrans suspendus au plafond présentent les différentes lignes
    technologiques de la Côte d’Ivoire d’aujourd’hui et demain : Tourisme et Culture, Sport, Énergie, Santé, Industrie Créative, Innovation digitale.


    Nos Projets Récents.

    En combinant nos compétences créatives et techniques, nous vous livrons des projets audacieux et efficaces qui répondent à votre cahier des charges.

    Nous sommes fiers de concevoir des solutions innovantes qui démontrent notre passion et notre engagement.

      Get in touch with us.

      Do not hesitate to contact us for any requests.

      It would be a pleasure to respond to your queries.


      The Binary Tower - 4th Floor - Dubai - United Arab Emirates - P.O Box 124379


      +971 54 582 30 90


      Magan can ensure the creative process right up to the complete production, including sound, light, audiovisual and more…

      The Republic of Congo Pavilion.

      The Republic of Congo Pavilion.


      The Republic of Congo Pavilion.

      When opportunity is deeply rooted.


      230 m²

      Dubai Universal Expo



      Ministry of Commerce

      Project Manager

      GL events Middle East

      Featuring the natural beauties  (home to half of the world’s lowland gorillas), a thriving ecological scene, culinary delights and investment opportunities of this West African gem.

      We were particularly involved in the cladding of all the wall enclosures, in medium, on a painted frame in the cabin. Installation of a velum on the entire surface of the pavilion, and textile was installed on the curved interior walls. Hangings of all the works including the series «Congo Tales» (Contes du Congo), photographs were by Pieter Henket.

      Our most recent achievements.

      By combining our creative and technical skills, we deliver bold and effective projects that meet your specifications.

      We are proud to develop innovative solutions that demonstrate our passion and commitment.

        Get in touch with us.

        Do not hesitate to contact us for any requests.

        It would be a pleasure to respond to your queries.


        The Binary Tower - 4th Floor - Dubai - United Arab Emirates - P.O Box 124379


        +971 54 582 30 90


        Magan can ensure the creative process right up to the complete production, including sound, light, audiovisual and more…

        Niger Pavilion.

        Niger Pavilion.

        Conception, Design & Realization

        Niger Pavilion.

        Staging of the historical works entrusted by the National Museum of Natural History of Niamey and creation of the dedicated area.


        230 m²

        Expo Universelle



        Republic of Niger Presidency

        Project Manager

        Magan Exhibition Organizing

        The aim of improving the scenography of the Niger Pavilion was to highlight the existing elements by changing their layout and lighting thus creating a new coherent visiting route incorporating the creation of new elements. It took place in record time, under impossible budgetary and logistical constraints. The result is a scenography that is both simple and impactful.

        All the existing windows showcased are aligned in a linear manner in the middle of the room, arranged on a patchwork of Nigerien carpets printed on the ground, creating a central exhibition area and a new optical direction for visitors.

        The windows showcased are thematically arranged and give rise to an understandable museographic discourse: prehistory, day to day objects, cultural traditions, music, arts and artisanal crafts, the future…

        New graphic visuals, illustrations and photographs are reproduced all the way up on the perimeter walls of the room and create a new sensation of visual impact that was previously non-existent: The original drawing of a large Niger flag welcomes the visitor at the entrance. This monumental illustration explains the symbolism of the flag and its colors and highlights the country’s great qualities: strength, hospitality, wealth, resources, climates, etc…

        Our most recent achievements.

        By combining our creative and technical skills, we deliver bold and effective projects that meet your specifications.

        We are proud to develop innovative solutions that demonstrate our passion and commitment.

          Get in touch with us.

          Do not hesitate to contact us for any requests.

          It would be a pleasure to respond to your queries.


          The Binary Tower - 4th Floor - Dubai - United Arab Emirates - P.O Box 124379


          +971 54 582 30 90


          Magan can ensure the creative process right up to the complete production, including sound, light, audiovisual and more…

          The Democratic Republic of Congo Pavilion

          The Democratic Republic of Congo Pavilion.


          The Democratic Republic of Congo Pavilion.

          Design study, interior plans, 3D renderings, prints and installations of printed canvas rails, set up of light boxes, conception and set up of furniture, indoor plinths. Installation of signage, sound environment and of lights.

          From March 21th 2021 to March 30th 2022, for Congo DRC National Day and arrival of the President.


          300 m²

          Congo DRC Pavilion

          Dubai Universal Expo


          Ministry of Trade of the Democratic Republic of Congo

          Project Manager

          Magan and André de Sa Moreira

          When entering, you are greeted by a large volumetric map of the globe which welcomes the visitor. The DRC is at the heart of the World. We hear a heartbeat: «RDC loves YOU».

          The visitor then plunges into the midst of the rainforest in an immersive and living space with light and sound effects. A leopard growls, the shade of trees is projected onto the ground.

          Afterwards, the visitor enters an abstract space with large drawings of light lines which explain the purpose of natural resources: the minerals are at the source of many products present in our modern society.

          The last space, colorful and joyful, is dedicated to culture and especially to the country’s rich Rumba rhythms. We perceive its strength and joy of life, its artists, but also its symbolic resistance towards colonialism.

          Our most recent achievements.

          By combining our creative and technical skills, we deliver bold and effective projects that meet your specifications.

          We are proud to develop innovative solutions that demonstrate our passion and commitment.

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            Do not hesitate to contact us for any requests.

            It would be a pleasure to respond to your queries.

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            Niger Business Forum 2022

            Niger Business Forum 2022


            Niger Business Forum 2022

            Après avoir organisé le Pavillon National lors d’Expo 2020 Dubai, la présidence du Niger a fait une fois encore appel aux services de Magan afin d’organiser le « Niger Business Forum » le 28 mars 2022, évènement phare de clôture pour sa participation officielle à Expo 2020.

            Outre les missions techniques dont Magan a déjà fait preuve à maintes reprises telles quelles : conception et construction scénographie, mise en ambiance d’un plateau débat, techniques de son & lumière, régie, vidéo, etc.

            La Présidence du Niger a aussi confié à Magan la mission de communication et promotion de l’évènement auprès de la communauté d’affaires locale, la création et gestion d’un site internet dans un temps record de 3 semaines, la gestion des médias sociaux ainsi que le tournage d’un film lors de l’évènement.

            Magan a su répondre à toutes les demandes du client jusqu’à l’organisation de l’accueil de la délégation officielle du Niger : réservation des nuitées hotellières, déplacement sur le Forum ainsi que l’organisation d’un cocktail.

            Niger Business Forum a été un évènement majeur pour le pays avec la présence de son Premier Ministre ainsi que 5 autres Ministres.

            Nos Projets Récents.

            En combinant nos compétences créatives et techniques, nous vous livrons des projets audacieux et efficaces qui répondent à votre cahier des charges.

            Nous sommes fiers de concevoir des solutions innovantes qui démontrent notre passion et notre engagement.

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              Baden-Württemberg House

              Baden-Württemberg House.


              Baden-Württemberg House.

              Overall layout of the scenography, restaurant and VIP, outside areas.

              October 1st 2021 to March 31st 2022


              1500 m²




              Baden-Württemberg Expo 2020 Dubai Gmbh

              Project Manager

              Nussli - Marc Steinhauer

              Magan was in charge of the installation of a panel of the perimeter walls of the «Black Forest» (pillar) on a platinum metal plate with fixing and furniture with connections. Installation and connection of light boxes, signage and accessories, as well as the “Vision Lab” part including the manufacture and installation of the “Velokoter”, plinths, bells, handrails and LED screen holder. Printing and installation of adhesive flooring over the entire exterior and covered area.

              Installation of the restaurant and the VIP part, including the installation and fixing of wooden rails, plant decorated walls, bars, showcases, mirrors, furniture, signage and accessories.

              Our most recent achievements.

              By combining our creative and technical skills, we deliver bold and effective projects that meet your specifications.

              We are proud to develop innovative solutions that demonstrate our passion and commitment.

                Get in touch with us.

                Do not hesitate to contact us for any requests.

                It would be a pleasure to respond to your queries.

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                Magan can ensure the creative process right up to the complete production, including sound, light, audiovisual and more…

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                France Pavilion

                France Pavilion.

                Conception, Design & Production

                France Pavilion.

                “Connecting Minds, Building the Future”

                Achievements of construction and development related to the permanent exhibition « Inspiration at the speed of light » which extends over an area of more than 1500 square meters in ground surface by 6 meters in height.

                Magan carried out the study, construction and assembly: from locksmiths to machinery and from carpentry to accessories.


                1500 m²

                Universal Expo 2020




                Project Manager


                The Exhibition is composed as follows:

                Entrance hall:

                Realization of wooden partitions dressed in openwork mirrors, decorated with screens broadcasting videos of the inventory of the natural, cultural and human treasures of the French regions.

                Painting of the walls.

                Lighting of the decor.

                Permanent exhibition:

                This path highlights French creations in the fields of science, research, technology, art, artisanal crafts and education.

                The study of the project comprises the following : locksmith, carpentry, machinery, furniture, painting, lighting of the decor.

                Achievements of the partitions of the plasterboard scenography, more than 500 linear meters, for an elevation of 6 meters.

                The visit begins…

                First stop “Lights, lights” area:

                Materialized by the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d’Alembert, presented by us in three impervious monumental showcases integrated into the decor, equipped with regulation of hygrometry and brightness systems.

                The structures are made of metal covered by wood with an interior covering in fleece and velvet (Dimensions Showcase 1: length: 6 meters x depth: 1.5 meters x height: 6 meters).

                Mobility area:

                – Starting with a journey into space, projected onto a monumental screen with a porthole-shaped wooden frame (Porthole: L: 10m, H: 6m).

                – Screening of a film about the city of Paris on a 360° cyclo (Cyclo: L: 50 m linear x H: 6m).

                – Hanging printed fabric stretched on frame (Frame: L: 7m x H: 6m).

                Area “Connecting minds, building the future”:

                – Presentation of an aquatic discovery by the CNRS, on screens fixed to the walls, dressed in wooden boxes covered with fabric.

                – Installation of Drop Paper with frames to create the sensation of progression in the aquatic environment under ice.

                – Manufacture and installation of a basin housing a model of a catamaran (Custom-made fiber basin, mounted on a wooden cheeks and frame, with plumbing and connections to motors and water filtration).

                – Creation and installation of a screen, the content traces the stops around the world that the Art Explora Catamaran will make which will present virtual works of art on board.

                Our most recent achievements.

                By combining our creative and technical skills, we deliver bold and effective projects that meet your specifications.

                We are proud to develop innovative solutions that demonstrate our passion and commitment.

                  Get in touch with us.

                  Do not hesitate to contact us for any requests.

                  It would be a pleasure to respond to your queries.


                  The Binary Tower - 4th Floor - Dubai - United Arab Emirates - P.O Box 124379


                  +971 54 582 30 90



                  Magan can ensure the creative process right up to the complete production, including sound, light, audiovisual and more…